Thursday, November 29, 2012

Mundo del boxeo despide a puertorriqueño Héctor ‘Macho’ Camacho

Mundo del boxeo despide a puertorriqueño Héctor ‘Macho’ Camacho
28/11/2012 12:45

Altos funcionarios del boxeo de Puerto Rico, fans, amigos y familiares despidieron el martes al excampeón mundial Héctor ‘Macho’ Camacho, fallecido este sábado en San Juan.

La sede del Departamento de Recreación y Deportes en la capital puertorriqueña acogió ayer martes un multitudinario velatorio y homenaje al exboxeador Macho, donde se exhibieron imágenes de algunas de las mejores peleas de Camacho, junto con videos de los programas televisivos en los que apareció.

El mundo del boxeo se vio sorprendido por la muerte del exboxeador Camacho a los 50 años, como consecuencia de un tiroteo cuando se encontraba dentro de un vehículo con su amigo de la infancia Adrián Mojica Moreno.

El amigo perdió la vida en el lugar del incidente el 20 de noviembre y Camacho falleció tres días después. La Policía está realizando las investigaciones respecto a la agresión, no obstante hasta la fecha no ha sido detenido ningún sospechoso .

En la ceremonia participaron algunos de los excampeones más destacados de la isla caribeña, entre ellos, Wilfredo Gómez, Wilfredo Benítez, Félix 'Tito' Trinidad, John John Molina, Samuel Serrano o Iván Calderón, así como los activos Román 'Rocky' Martínez, Orlando Cruz y Juan Manuel 'Juanma' López, para expresar su respeto y dar su último adiós a Camacho.

"Todos y cada uno de nosotros, los campeones mundiales, nos sentimos orgullosos de lo que hizo Camacho en el boxeo, porque no solamente es uno de los grandes púgiles que ha dado la isla, sino que es uno de los boxeadores más grandes del mundo. Yo me siento orgulloso de lo que Camacho hizo por el boxeo de Puerto Rico", apostilló Félix 'Tito' Trinidad.


Wednesday, November 28, 2012

The Toughness of the Macho Camacho

The Toughness of the Macho Camacho
By Ivan Ardila
For more information about Ivan Ardila, visit,,,, and
Translated into English by United Latino Muslims of America (ULMA). For more information about United Latino Muslims of America (ULMA), visit
Sunday, November 25, 2012

Hector Macho Camacho, Jr., a Muslim, at the memorial service of his father.

In the name of God, Most Gracious with the creation, Merciful to the believers.

"Then he gave each one a white robe and told to wait a little longer, until both the number of their fellow servants and brothers who were to be killed as they were." Revelation 6, Verse 11.

Hector Macho Camacho, Jr. with his father

In two areas man is measured as the same in the fight with another man or an animal: boxing and bullfighting. For other paths only abused congeners and beasts from technological superiority, numerical or military. We can say that the honor is still held there, in those disciplines, for an obvious reason: the bull slaughter can beat the bullfighter, the opponent can knock the boxer and in any case the contestant runs the risk of dying or becoming crippled. Or to take the trophy, the ear, the tail, the fantastic belt, the media glory, the slow drag.

Muhammad Ali

In addition the permanent disease, as the brother Muhammad Ali, who has never lost the gentle demeanor, but boxing has cost his nerves with Parkinson that still has not left him, but we hope to be cured by the neurogenerative powers of legal cannabinoid medicine that is applied in both the U.S. and Mexico, which can be supplemented with oils and restorative amino acids from the same blessed plant with Hemp brand, which is available equally from White Americans in Mexico and in Aztec land.

Hector Macho Camacho was a father of a Muslim.

Another boxer who did not run have the same luck as Ali, a boxing survivor and of xenophobic and Islamophobic society, and that also has to do with Islam (remember that Ali, soon crowned in Cancun as King of Boxing, is Muslim) is the Macho Camacho. He was just disconnected from the machine that maintained him in a vegetative state after being shot in the company of a childhood friend who died first. His relationship with the final and ultimate revelation of God is not him being Muslim (we ignore this for now), but his son who converted to Islam, and we pick this out of the news because we think like Muhammad Ali before him, he was attacked at his glorious moment for, not only being Muslim, not only black, it is now possible that they have retaliated against him to the extreme of assassinating him, since his son has adopted the universal and eternal religion of God. These words are are not to be taken lightly, for in principle one should not rule out any hypotheses about the motive of the killers. In fact we wonder if prior to his death and thanks to the work of its offspring, he may have known of Islam and to recognize the cult that became his son.

Edoardo Agnelli was the only son of Fiat car company owner.

If this line of research will continue and will prove successful, it would not be the first time that someone is martyred for his direct or indirect relationship with God, being a public figure. We recall the case of the only son of the owner of the car company Fiat, Edoardo Agnelli, heir to secure the vast fortune from his father, and that prior to obtaining their heritage and hours from the chamber of the pure Islam, Iran, was artfully killed by an armed commando Mossad crime scene so that resembled to a licensed observer a poorly realized, case of suicide. Suicide? A Muslim convert? God forbids and condemns suicide with very severe punishment. Clearly, it was one more than the targeted killing by gunmen in the pay of the synagogue of Satan, as they imagined how much help a convert to Islam heir to one of the leading elite automotive companies could provide.

We extend our condolences to the family of this exemplary sportsman and also to the relatives of Edoardo, not forgetting Islamic communities surrounding these events left silent, sadly testifying to human evil.

Sean Ali Stone is the son of filmmaker Oliver Stone.

We note however that the lucky advancement of loftiest virtues and sapience as being unstoppable, as evidenced by outstanding personalities of the world turning their hearts toward God through the clear lens of Shi'ite Islam, and to show so it is sufficient to name a dear brother, Ali Stone, son of filmmaker Oliver Stone, who has no qualms about publicly displaying his spiritual descent for those who want to know firsthand what was the process that led to the birthplace of Islam and how he lives his new human identity.

It seems that while sharing the artists, writers, athletes, scientists and others involved in public relations in fields of human endeavor begin their autobiographies and culminate some weight in their respective areas, those who are converts to Islam do not expect that it is late to start a public witness of our transformation, as will be seen in the video that Stone has left the network. Such is the wealth we receive by converting, in an effort of generous urgency, we wish to give our treasures by means that we have at hand: word, poetry, image, video, a foundation, a business that God sends (halal), etc.

Hector Macho Camacho is rushed by paramedics.

Maybe that's why Edoardo came early to Paradise, perhaps he was not allowed to put on the gloves of Macho: he already had enough with the strings of humiliations that Muhammad Ali had dealt them when those opponents who refused to call him by his Muslim name, supplying them his swift, strategic, powerful and vengeful punches: "Call me Muhammad Ali! " still resonates in the ring. And always know that Macho was Macho until the end, and those who killed him were queers. May God execute them.

Hector Macho Camacho, Jr. is the eldest son for former world boxing champion.

The Toughness of the Macho Camacho:

The boxing champion's son Hector Macho Camacho, Jr. is mobbed by reporters.

Edoardo Agnelli, multimillionaire martyr:

Conference, Sean 'Ali' Stone, Oliver Stone's son converted to Islam - [HD]:

El Machote Del Macho Camacho

El Machote Del Macho Camacho
Por Iván Ardila
Correo Electrónico:
Para mas información desde Iván Ardila, visita,,,, y
Domingo, 25 de noviembre 2012

Héctor Macho Camacho, Jr., un musulmán, en el funeral de su padre.

En el Nombre de Dios, Clementísimo con la creación, Misericordiosísimo con los creyentes.

"Entonces se le dio a cada uno un vestido blanco y se les dijo que esperasen todavía un poco, hasta que se completara el número de sus consiervos y hermanos que iban a ser muertos como ellos." Apocalipsis 6, Versículo 11.

Héctor Macho Camacho, Jr. con su padre

En dos áreas el hombre se mide como igual en la pelea con otro hombre o con un animal: el box y la tauromaquia. Por otros derroteros sólo abusa de congéneres y bestias desde la superioridad tecnológica, numérica o militar. Podemos decir que el honor todavía se lleva a cabo allí, en esas disciplinas, por un motivo evidente: el toro puede ganarle la faena al torero, el contrincante puede noquear al púgil y en cualquier caso el contendiente corre el riesgo de morir o de quedar tullido. O de llevarse el trofeo, la oreja, el rabo, el cinturón fantástico, la gloria mediática, el arrastre lento.

Muhammad `Ali

O además la enfermedad permanente, como el hermano Muhammad `Ali, que nunca ha perdido el porte gentil, pero boxear le ha costado los nervios con un Parkinson que todavía no le deja, pero que esperamos pueda ser curado con las potencias neuroregenerativas de la medicina legal cannabinoidea que se aplica en ampolletas tanto en los EEUU como en México, a la que se puede suplementar con los óleos y aminoácidos reconstituyentes de la misma planta bendita con la marca Hemp, que se puede conseguir por igual en el gabacho y en tierra azteca.

Héctor Macho Camacho era un padre de un musulmán.

Otro boxeador que no corrió con la suerte de `Ali, sobreviviente del boxeo y de la sociedad xenófoba e islamófoba, y que también tiene que ver con el Islam (recordemos que `Ali, próximamente coronado en Cancún como Rey del box, es musulmán) es el Macho Camacho. Acaban de desconectarlo de la máquina que le mantenía en estado vegetativo después de que lo balearan en compañía de un amigo de la infancia, que murió primero. Su relación con la definitiva y última revelación de Dios no es haber sido musulmán también (esto lo ignoramos por el momento), es su hijo el que se convirtió al Islam, y lo entresacamos de la noticia porque pensamos que al igual que en su momento de gloria atacaron a Muhammad `Ali por ser, no sólo musulmán, sino negro, es posible que ahora hayan tomado represalias en contra de él hasta el extremo de asesinarle, puesto que su hijo ha adoptado la religión universal y eterna de Dios. No han de tomarse a la ligera estas palabras, pues por principio no se deben descartar las hipótesis sobre el móvil de los homicidas. De hecho nos preguntamos si previo a su deceso y gracias a las labores de su vástago, pudo haber conocido del Islam y al reconocerle se convirtiera al culto de su hijo.

Edoardo Agnelli era el único hijo de la compañía automovilística Fiat.

Si esta línea de investigación se siguiera y demostrara ser acertada, no sería la primera ocasión en la que alguien es martirizado por su relación directa o indirecta con Dios, siendo figura pública. Debemos evocar el caso del único hijo del dueño de la compañía automovilística Fiat, Edoardo Agnelli, seguro heredero de la inmensa fortuna de su padre, y que previo a obtener su herencia y a horas de partir para el aposento del Islam puro, Irán, fue arteramente asesinado por un comando del Mossad que armó la escena del crimen de forma tal que parecía a un observador mal percatado u oficial, un caso más de suicidio. ¿Suicidio?, ¿un musulmán converso? Dios prohibe el autoasesinato y lo condena con la pena severísima. Es claro que se trató de uno más de los asesinatos selectivos de los sicarios a sueldo de la sinagoga de satanás, puesto que imaginaron cuánta ayuda podría brindar al Islam un converso heredero de una de las más destacadas compañías automotrices de élite.

Extendemos nuestro pésame a la familia de este deportista ejemplar y también a los deudos de Edoardo, sin olvidar a las comunidades islámicas que rodean estos hechos como mudas y tristes testigas de la maldad humana.

Sean Ali Stone es hijo del cineasta Oliver Stone.

Resaltamos sin embargo, que el afortunado avance de las más excelsas virtudes y sapiencias viene siendo imparable, como lo demuestra que destacadas personalidades del planeta estén volteando sus corazones hacia Dios a través de la clara lente del Islam shiíta, y para muestra basta nombrar a un querido hermano, `Ali Stone, hijo del cineasta Oliver Stone, que no tiene empacho en mostrar públicamente su filiación espiritual a quien desee conocer de primera mano cuál fue el proceso que le llevó a la cuna del Islam y cómo vive su nueva identidad humana.

Se antoja compartir que mientras los artistas, escritores, deportistas, científicos y demás personas dedicadas a la relación pública en campos descollantes del quehacer humano comienzan sus autobiografías ya que han culminado cierto peso en sus respectivas áreas, aquellos que somos conversos al Islam no esperamos que llegue ese momento tardío para iniciar un testimonio público de nuestra transformación, como se observará en el vídeo que Stone ha dejado en la red. Es tal la riqueza que recibimos al convertirnos, que en un afán de generosa urgencia, deseamos entregar nuestro tesoro por el medio que tengamos a mano: la palabra, la poesía, la imagen, el vídeo, una fundación, un negocio como Dios manda (halal), etcétera.

Héctor Macho Camacho se precipitado por paramédicos.

Quizá por eso Edoardo llegó temprano al Paraíso, quizá por eso no le permitieron ponerse los guantes al Macho: ya tenían suficiente con la sarta de humillaciones que Muhammad `Ali les ha propinado cuando a aquellos contrincantes que se negaban a llamarle por su nombre musulmán les surtía con sus veloces, estratégicos, potentes y vengativos puñetazos: "¡Dime Muhammad `Ali!" resuena en el ring todavía. Y siempre sabremos que el Macho fue Macho hasta el final y quienes lo mataron, unos maricas. Que Dios los ajusticie.

Héctor Macho Camacho, Jr. es el hijo mayor de ex campeón mundial de boxeo.

El Machote Del Macho Camacho:

El hijo del campeón del boxeo Héctor Macho Camacho, Jr. está asediado por los periodistas.

Edoardo Agnelli, multimillonario mártir:

Conferencia Sean 'Ali' Stone, hijo de Oliver Stone convertido al Islam - [HD]:

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Hollywoodism preparaban para incitar Iranofobia: Analista

Hollywoodism preparaban para incitar Iranofobia: Analista
Traducido a español y editado por Centro Islamico Marplatense (CIM). Para mas información desde Centro Islamico Marplatense (CIM), visita
Domingo, 11 de noviembre de 2012

El pasado 26 de Octubre se estrenó una película estadounidense basada en hechos reales titulada "Argo". La productora la describe así:

"Una película que relata una operación secreta, a vida o muerte, para rescatar a seis estadounidenses en plena crisis de los rehenes en Irán. La verdad permaneció oculta al gran público durante décadas. El ganador del Oscar, Ben Affleck dirige y protagoniza la película, que está producida por el ganador del Oscar, George Clooney, Grant Heslov y Affleck.

El 4 de noviembre de 1979, mientras la revolución iraní alcanzaba su punto álgido, algunos militantes irrumpieron en la embajada de Estados Unidos en Teherán y tomaron cincuenta y dos prisioneros estadounidenses. Sin embargo, en mitad del caos, seis de ellos logran escapar y encuentran refugio en casa del embajador canadiense. Sabiendo que es sólo cuestión de tiempo que los encuentren y, muy probablemente, los maten, un especialista de la CIA en operaciones especiales llamado Tony Mendez (Affleck) urde un arriesgado plan para sacarlos del país de forma segura. Un plan tan increíble que sólo podría salir bien en una película."

El autor iraní y experto en Oriente Medio, el Dr. Ismail Salami opina lo siguiente en su artículo de Press TV:

La reciente película de Hollywood, Argo, una vez más desenmascara un elaborado plan de los EE.UU. para emplear todos los medios de su aparato de propaganda para incitar a la Iranofobia en todo el mundo.

"Argo" es una instancia de un Hollywoodismo redomado. En realidad, es un nuevo intento de fomentar la Iranofobia no sólo en los EE.UU. sino en todo el mundo también", escribió

El thriller, irónicamente filmado en Israel, ha sido dirigido por el cineasta de EE.UU. Ben Affleck. Se basa libremente en el relato histórico de un ex agente de la CIA, Tony Mendez sobre el rescate de seis diplomáticos americanos durante la toma de la embajada de EE.UU. en Teherán después de la Revolución Islámica de Irán en 1979.

El 4 de noviembre de 1979, un grupo de estudiantes universitarios revolucionarios iraníes tomaron la embajada de EE.UU. que a su juicio se había convertido en una cueva de espionaje cuyo objetivo era derrocar el establecimiento de la naciente república islámica.

"En los últimos años, la Iranofobia ha llegado a abarcar un ámbito más amplio de los medios de comunicación como el cine, que es sin duda capaz de ejercer un efecto más potente en la manipulación de la audiencia", dice el artículo.

Golpeando la fachada falsa de "Argo", Salami argumenta: "La película trata de describir a los iraníes como sobre-emocionales, irracionales, dementes y diabólicos, al mismo tiempo que a los agentes de la CIA se les representa como heroicamente patrióticos. "Argo" está repleta de inexactitudes históricas y distorsiones."

El analista también criticó al director de "Argo" por retratar una "visión estereotipada y caricaturesca" de la sociedad iraní y señaló que Affleck ha buscado conscientemente ridiculizar "las costumbres y tradiciones propias" de Irán.

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Muere el exboxeador puertorriqueño Héctor 'Macho' Camacho

Muere el exboxeador puertorriqueño Héctor 'Macho' Camacho
24/11/2012 20:13

El exboxeador puertorriqueño Héctor 'Macho' Camacho ha fallecido este sábado en San Juan luego de que los médicos lo hayan desconectado de un respirador del que dependía su existencia desde el pasado martes.

"Esta madrugada Camacho sufrió un paro cardíaco, no pudimos hacer nada más por él y minutos después lo desconectamos de las máquinas y ya está en patología y será llevado a ciencias forenses", ha señalado el doctor Ernesto Torres, director del Centro Médico de Río Piedras, donde estaba internado.

Macho, de 50 años de edad, fue tiroteado mientras estaba en un vehículo con su amigo de la infancia Adrián Mojica Moreno, quien también falleció en la escena del crimen.

El portavoz de la policía Alex Díaz ha afirmado que las autoridades encontraron nueve bolsas con cocaína en un bolsillo del amigo.


Pouya Alimagham: “Ben Affleck’s Argo and the Problem With Viewing Iran Through a Narrow Lens”

Pouya Alimagham: “Ben Affleck’s Argo and the Problem With Viewing Iran Through a Narrow Lens”
Huffington Post
24 October 2012

Ben Affleck’s Argo and the Problem With Viewing Iran Through a Narrow Lens

The season in which studios begin to roll out their Oscar contenders is upon us. Ben Affleck’s third and probably most important directorial feat, Argo, will certainly receive due attention from the Academy. The film, however, should not receive acclaim for its untimely and unbalanced depiction of Iran and Iranians. Indeed, by revisiting the Iran Hostage Crisis at a critical moment when political hawks are ceaselessly demonizing Iran in their bid for another U.S.-led military conflict in the Middle East, Affleck, giving him the benefit of the doubt, unintentionally aids that effort.

Affleck’s Argo is based on the true story of how six Americans were entangled in the revolutionary storm that gripped Iran in 1979 and managed to flee the seizure of the U.S. Embassy in Tehran. Holed up in the Canadian ambassador’s residence for months, Ben Affleck’s real-life character Tony Mendez, a CIA operative, concocts an elaborate plan to fly to Tehran and facilitate their escape. In doing so, he pretends to be part of a Canadian film crew making a B-level science-fiction film calledArgo, which is based in the Middle East, and explains why they are in Iran scouting for locations for a movie that never actually existed.

It’s a gripping political thriller that will keep moviegoers on the edge of their seats and holding their breaths. The problem, however, is the unintended political consequence of the film and its deeply troubling portrayals of Iranians.

In his book Confronting Iran: The Failure of American Foreign Policy and the Next Great Conflict in the Middle East, Ali Ansari writes, “For the U.S., the traumatic scene of Americans being paraded in front of cameras blindfolded, marked the beginning of a U.S. obsession with Iran.” That obsession has led many Americans to view Iran strictly through the narrow scope of the Hostage Crisis, an event that transpired over 30 years ago. So ubiquitous is this trend that when Mahmoud Ahmadinejad was elected president in 2005, mainstream American media outlets mistook him for one of the hostage takers! The frenzy dissipated only when one of the actual American hostages, Thomas E. Schaefer, came out and dispelled the accusation.

Furthermore, Argo presents a country of more than 35 million in 1979 exclusively through the lens of terrorism and hostage-taking, public executions, bearded men shouting so hysterically that spit flies out of their mouths, one seemingly untrustworthy lonely servile female housekeeper and more. Through such an unbalanced depiction, viewers risk foregoing the basic humanity that Iranians share with the rest of the world. A telling example can be found in the reception to Iran’s Academy Award winning film, A Separation.

Last winter, the film was a surprise hit in Israel, Iran’s arch-nemesis. After being fed a steady diet of anti-Iranian news and media portrayals, Israelis nevertheless managed to connect with Iranians via A Separation and one was surprised to learn that “everyone had a fridge and a washing machine.” One Israeli movie critic affirmed, “Ultimately you don’t think about nuclear bombs or dictators threatening world peace. You see them driving cars and going to movies and they look exactly like us.” Indeed, Iranians are not that different if people are willing to see beyond the harmful stereotypes.

My intention is not to whitewash the radicalism and show trials of those fiery days, or to imply that Iran’s current human rights record is a shining example for the world to follow, which it most certainly is not. I do, however, believe that by focusing exclusively on events such as the Hostage Crisis, movies like Argo dehumanize Iran and Iranians, indirectly aiding the efforts of political hawks with an “ax to grind” with the Persian Gulf country.

The first step towards war is denying the humanity of other people. Argo is an unwitting part of that effort. A Separation, however, broadcasted the Iranian people’s humanity to the world. Iranians, like everyone else, worry about the future of their children, care about the health of their parents, and yes, own “fridges” and “washing machines.” And if the message fell on deaf ears, Asghar Farhadi, the director of the film, reminded Americans in his masterful Oscar acceptance speech:

At this time, many Iranians all over the world are watching us and I imagine them to be very happy. They are happy not just because of an important award or a film or filmmaker, but because at the time when talk of war, intimidation, and aggression is exchanged between politicians, the name of their country, Iran, is spoken here through her glorious culture, a rich and ancient culture that has been hidden under the heavy dust of politics. I proudly offer this award to the people of my country, a people who respect all cultures and civilizations and despise hostility and resentment.

If we are to avert another tragic and catastrophic U.S.-led Middle East war, it is imperative that we first recognize the basic humanity of each people and move beyond this oppressively limiting, dangerous relic of the past paradigm of “us versus them.”

Pouya Alimagham is a PhD candidate at the University of Michigan’s history program. You can follow him at @iPouya.

Saturday, November 24, 2012

“Argo” Directed by Ben Affleck

“Argo” Directed by Ben Affleck
Sun Nov 18, 2012 10:21AM

In this edition of the show Faiza Ahmed reviews the film; Argo, directed by Ben Affleck.

In 1979, the American embassy in Iran was invaded by Iranian revolutionaries and several Americans are taken hostage.

However, six manage to escape to the official residence of the Canadian Ambassador and the CIA is eventually ordered to get them out of the country.

With few options, exfiltration expert Tony Mendez devises a daring plan: to create a phony Canadian film project looking to shoot in Iran and smuggle the Americans out as its production crew.

With the help of some trusted Hollywood contacts, Mendez creates the ruse and proceeds to Iran as its associate producer.

However, time is running out with the Iranian security forces closing in on the truth while both his charges and the White House have grave doubts about the operation themselves.

Hollywoodism geared up to incite Iranophobia: Analyst

Hollywoodism geared up to incite Iranophobia: Analyst
Sun Nov 11, 2012 2:14PM GMT

The anti-Iran Hollywood movie Argo has been ironically filmed in Israel.

The recent Hollywood movie Argo once again unmasks the US’ elaborate scheme to employ every medium in its propaganda apparatus to incite Iranophobia across the globe, a senior political analyst says.

“Argo is an arrant instance of Hollywoodism. In point of fact, it is yet another attempt to foment Iranophobia not only in the USA but across the world as well,” Iranian author and Middle East expert Dr. Ismail Salami wrote on Press TV website in a recent article.

The thriller, ironically filmed in Israel, has been directed by US filmmaker Ben Affleck. It is based loosely on the historical account by a former CIA agent Tony Mendez about the rescue of six American diplomats during the takeover of the US Embassy in Tehran after Iran’s 1979 Islamic Revolution.

On November 4, 1979, a group of revolutionary Iranian university students took over the US Embassy which they believed had turned into a den of espionage which aimed to overthrow the nascent Islamic Republic establishment.

“In recent years, Iranophobia has come to encompass a wider scope of media including cinema which is incontestably capable of exercising a more powerful effect on manipulating the audience,” the article said.

Slamming the “false façade” of Argo, Salami argued, “The movie attempts to describe Iranians as over-emotional, irrational, insane, and diabolical while at the same time, the CIA agents are represented as heroically patriotic. Argo is replete with historical inaccuracies and distortions.”

The analyst also lashed out at Argo’s director for portraying a “stereotyped and caricatured view” of the Iranian society and noted that Affleck has consciously sought to ridicule “the very customs and traditions” of Iran.


Argo: From Hollywoodism to Iranophobia

Argo: From Hollywoodism to Iranophobia
By Ismail Salami
AKA Ali Salami, Dr. Ismail Salami is an internationally published author of several books and hundreds of articles. In his articles, Salami examines the historical developments that impact national relations today, and the way western people view Iran. He holds a PhD in Shakespeare Studies and is the author of Human Rights in Islam and Iran, Cradle of Civilization. His writings have been translated into dozens of languages.
Wed Nov 7, 2012 5:27PM

In recent years, Iranophobia has come to encompass a wider scope of media including cinema which is incontestably capable of exercising a more powerful effect on manipulating the audience.

Along the recent Iranophobic attempts comes Argo (2012), a ‘nail-biting thriller’ which according to David Haglund, takes a few liberties with the history. A few liberties, indeed! The false façade of the movie and the glorification of CIA agent Antonio Mendez (the hero, played by Ben Affleck) in particular and the intelligence apparat in general in smuggling the escapees out of Tehran gives a flimsily larger-than-life flair to the movie on the one hand and a too-good-to-be-true feeling to the multitude of audience whose minds have already been hijacked by Western media about Iran.

In its idiotically crude manner, the movie attempts to describe Iranians as overemotional, irrational, insane, and diabolical while at the same, the CIA agents are represented as heroically patriotic. Argo is replete with historical inaccuracies and distortions. One might say that the titling of the film mentions it is loosely based on Antonio Mendez’s account of the incidents. However, the audience barely finds any slim chance to realize this and all he believes is all he sees. Aye, there’s the rub for in doing so, the moviemaker craftily sees an audience too engrossed in the movie to pay any attention to the titling.

Even if he does, the audience’s mind has already imbibed all the lies secretly and savagely dictated by the movie. This is done with incredible ingenuity. For instance, in one shot, morosely veiled Iranian women are shown to be in military uniforms, a falsity also depicted in an earlier anti-Iran movie titled “Not Without My Daughter (1991)”. After the elapse of thirty-odd years, you may find Iranian women in uniforms but only in female garrisons let alone on the streets. So, the depiction of Iranian women in military uniforms is but a figment of the writer’s imagination.

It appears that Argo owes enormously to Brian Gilbert’s Not Without My Daughter (1991) though the former is technically a step forward. Not Without My Daughter (1991) details the story of an American woman who is married to an Iranian doctor. They live happily in America but once they travel to Iran, the man (Alfred Molina) changes from a well-bred and highly educated man to a rustic boar who decides to force his wife Betty (Sally Field) to stay in Iran. No one knows the reason for such a drastic change in the man, and interestingly, no hiatus apparently takes place in the storyline.

Apart from the stereotyped and caricatured view of Iranians the filmmaker delivers, he consciously pokes fun at the very customs and traditions within the Iranian community. In one scene, when Betty arrives in Iran (the movie has been ironically filmed in Israel), they slaughter a sheep as a votive offering at the sight of which Betty falls into a swoon. This incident which is part of the Iranian tradition becomes a matter of scorn for the filmmaker.

Film critic Roger Ebert describes the film as vitriolic and spiteful and says, “If a movie of such a vitriolic and spiteful nature were to be made in America about any other ethnic group, it would be denounced as racist and prejudiced.”

Likewise, Argo is another dastardly attempt at fanning Iranophobia by continuing Brian Gilbert’s Not Without My Daughter (1991).

Though Argo achieves some degree of success in stereotyping and demonizing Iranians, the movie is at its best a propaganda flick barely unworthy of the kudos it receives, not because it is nothing more than one big yawn but because it is poorly structured and frivolously written.

Strange as it might be, the film ingeniously seeks to sound balanced by inserting a voice-over at the beginning of the film describing how the popular government of Mossadeq was overthrown through a coup engineered by the CIA and how Mohammad Reza Pahlavi (who is erroneously referred to as Reza Pahlavi) tyrannized over people. However, the mere mention of a CIA-engineered coup is not enough to make the film sound balanced.

In fact, Argo is a far cry from a balanced narration. Everything is narrated one-sidedly. Everything is depicted in black and white. The escapees are good and have to be saved with the help of the CIA agent who ridiculously functions to bring about catharsis in the audience and the Iranians are depicted as demonic and hysteric. Thus, sympathy is easily wrung from the audience in favor of the CIA agent and the entire Iranian population is tragically plunged in a negative light.

In fact, authoring a coup in Iran is not CIA’s magnum opus. The intelligence apparatus has been notoriously instrumental in fomenting a war against Iran at the hands of the Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein and bringing about over one million casualties.

According to Said K. Aburish, author of Saddam Hussein: the Politics of Revenge, Saddam made a visit to Amman in 1979 before Iran-Iraq War. There, he met King Hussein and three CIA agents. Aburish says there is considerable evidence that he discussed his plans to invade Iran with the CIA agents. As a political product of Washington’s mind, Saddam was on intimate terms with the US. Aburish says that it was “a relationship of cooperation, but never trust. Neither side ever trusted the other. And they helped him stay in power by providing him with electronic systems to guard against a coup d’état. They helped him stay in power by providing him with armament that he needed badly. They helped him stay in power by refusing to raise the issue of human rights. And they helped him to stay in power by supporting him during the war with Iran. So they really helped him, practically politically, practically financially, any way you can look at it.”

It is very probable that Ben Affleck and the screenwriter Chris Terrio are sorely ignorant of these facts or else they would have incorporated some of these facts in Argo to sound balanced.

Or would they?

Overal, Argo is an arrant instance of Hollywoodism. In point of fact, it is yet another attempt to foment Iranophobia not only in the USA but across the world as well.


Ministro de Cultura: Occidente insulta a las religiones divinas bajo el pretexto de la libertad de expression

Ministro de Cultura: Occidente insulta a las religiones divinas bajo el pretexto de la libertad de expressionón
Martes, 23 Octubre 2012 06:54

El ministro de Cultura y Orientación Islámica de Irán, Seyed Mohamad Hoseini, ha señalado que Occidente, liderado por EE.UU. y su aliado israelí, utiliza el concepto de la libertad de expresión como una excusa para insultar a las religiones divinas.

Además, se ha referido a la película Argo, producida por compañías de Hollywood, que, según Irán, pretende ofrecer una imagen subyugada de los diplomáticos estadounidenses durante su estancia en Irán en la época de la victoria de la Revolución Islámica de Irán.

El 4 de noviembre de 1979, estudiantes iraníes, tras asaltar la sede de la embajada estadounidense en Teherán, lograron detener a espías encubiertos como diplomáticos que se encargaban de recoger información secreta y tramar conspiraciones con el objetivo de derrocar el naciente sistema de la República Islámica.

El ministro iraní de Cultura ha denunciado las políticas de Occidente, que utiliza el arte para dirigir filmes y videojuegos, entre otros, y extender la islamofobia y dar a conocer una imagen belicista de los musulmanes en el mundo.

La blasfema película, dirigida por un israelí-estadounidense, había recibido una donación de 5 millones de dólares de varios israelíes para la producción de la misma.

A su vez, la ira del mundo islámico por la película se intensificó después de que un semanario satírico francés publicara una serie de caricaturas que profanaban la figura del Profeta del Islam, el hazrat Mohamad (P).

"Occidente abusa del concepto de libertad de expresión"

"Occidente abusa del concepto de libertad de expresión"ítica2/item/129556-occidente-abusa-del-concepto-de-libertad-de-expresión
21/10/2012 14:53

El ministro de Cultura y Orientación Islámica de Irán, Seyed Mohamad Hoseini, ha señalado que el Occidente, liderado por EE.UU. y su aliado israelí, utiliza el concepto -libertad de expresión- como una excusa para insultar a las religiones divinas.

“Ellos (EE.UU. y el régimen de Israel) han herido e ignorado los sentimientos de más de 1.5 mil millones de musulmanes y en el nombre de la libertad de expresión han recurrido a esa flagrante medida”, ha deplorado este domingo el titular persa ante una congregación de miembros de Basich (las Fuerzas de la Resistencia Popular) en Teherán, capital iraní, para repudiar la producción de un filme estadounidense que satiriza al profeta del Islam.

Se ha referido, además, a la película Argo, producida por compañías de Hollywood, que, según la autoridad iraní, pretende ofrecer una imagen subyugada de los diplomáticos estadounidenses durante su estancia en Irán en la época de la victoria de la Revolución Islámica de Irán.

Ha agregado, sin embargo, que los incalculables crímenes cometidos por esos “diplomáticos” en el país, obligaron a los jóvenes revolucionarios a detenerlos y retirarlos de Irán.

El 4 de noviembre de 1979, estudiantes iraníes luego de asaltar la sede de la embajada estadounidense en Teherán, lograron detener a espías encubiertos como diplomáticos que se encargaban de recoger información secreta y tramar conspiraciones con el objetivo de derrocar el naciente sistema de la República Islámica.

El ministro iraní de Cultura ha denunciado las políticas del Occidente que utiliza el arte para dirigir filmes y videojuegos, entre otros, para extender el concepto de islamofobia y dar a conocer una imagen belicista de los musulmanes en el mundo.

No obstante, ha asegurado que la comunidad musulmana jamás consentirá este tipo de campañas antislámicas y actos blasfemos contra el Islam.

La blasfema película, fue dirigida por un israelí-estadounidense, que había recibido una donación de 5 millones de dólares de varios israelíes para la producción de la misma.

La ira del mundo islámico por la película se intensificó después de que el semanario satírico francés publicara una serie de caricaturas que profanan la figura del profeta del Islam, el hazrat Mohamad (P).


Mexico City orders removal of statue of Azerbaijan’s late dictator

Mexico City orders removal of statue of Azerbaijan’s late dictator
Sat Nov 24, 2012 1:38PM GMT

Mexico City’s decision to take down a monumental statue of Azerbaijan’s late dictator Heydar Aliyev from the city’s iconic Reforma Boulevard has led to Baku’s threat to sever diplomatic ties with the Latin American nation.

The decision to take down the statue came on Friday following the recommendation of a special city committee appointed to resolve what has become an unusual controversy in Mexico’s capital city, The Los Angeles Times reported Thursday.

According to the report, at issue was a controversial decision by the city government to allow Azarbaijan to erect a bronze and marble statue of Aliyev at the prime location of the city, “especially among a stretch of leafy parks where monuments have long honored the likes of [India’s former leader Mahatma] Gandhi.”

The move reportedly generated protests and a persisting debate among local media outlets. Critics, the report says, argue that a figure of Aliyev’s tarnished background did not deserve a monumental statue on Reforma.

Azerbaijani government, which has paid as much as $10 million to erect the statue, is reported to be furious over the decision. Its ambassador to Mexico, Ilgar Mukhtarov, was quoted in Mexico City newspaper, La Razon, as “threatening to break diplomatic relations with Mexico if the statue is removed.”

According to the report, Mexico City’s Mayor Marcelo Ebrard, for whom the entire episode has been a huge embarrassment, said he would study the recommendations. This is while his term is due to end in a few days. Ebrard reportedly inaugurated the monument over the summer “with great fanfare, ignorant of, or unconcerned by, Aliyev’s past as a KGB chief and his corrupt regime’s poor record on human rights.”

Mukhtarov has also reportedly stated that Azerbaijan would cancel $4 billion in investment projects for Mexico.

“If Ebrard decides to remove the monument, we will cancel the projects, close the embassy, it would hurt the relationship between the two countries, and it would not be good for his image to be the person who prevented a $4-billion investment,” Mukhtarov was quoted as saying.

However, the report adds, he later sounded much more conciliatory, telling reporters at the Azerbaijan Embassy that his government was prepared to negotiate with the city and find a “friendly” solution to the dispute.


Calderon: Take ‘United States’ out of Mexico

Calderon: Take ‘United States’ out of Mexico
Fri Nov 23, 2012 2:15AM GMT

Mexican President Felipe Calderon

Mexican President Felipe Calderon says he wants his country’s name changed from Estados Unidos Mexicanos (United Mexican States), the name it was given in 1824, to just Mexico.

Calderon, who leaves office on December 1 after six years in charge, said on Thursday that his country does not need to copy anyone, in a clear reference to its northern neighbor, AFP reported.

The country was named the United Mexican States after its independence from Spain, but the name is rarely used except on official documents, money, and other government material.

"It's time we Mexicans again take up the beauty and simplicity of the name of our fatherland: Mexico. A name we chant, we sing, that makes us happy and fills us with pride," he said.

"The name of our country does not have to continue emulating other nations as it was done in the 19th century," the conservative leader added.

Calderon said that he would send the proposal for constitutional reform enabling the name change to Congress. Before introduction into the current Political Constitution of the United Mexican States, the new reform would have to be approved by both houses of Congress and a majority of Mexico's 31 state legislatures.

"It is a matter of major importance, because a country's name expresses a symbolic relationship with all that it is, with its people, its origins, its culture, its customs, and above all its identity," the president said.