11/5/2011 12:31:56 PM

The Islamic Republic of Iran's mission to the United Nations has refuted the recent US allegation about Tehran's involvement in a plot to assassinate the Saudi envoy to Washington.
Early in October, the US Justice Department accused Iran of orchestrating a plot to assassinate Adel al-Jubair with the help of a suspected member of a Mexican drug cartel.
As a victim of international and state terrorism, Iran condemns all acts of terror and is committed to the provisions of the 1973 Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of Crimes against Internationally Protected Persons, including diplomats, Tehran's letter to the UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon read.
Upon being informed of the possibility of the presence of one of the suspects in the alleged plot in Iran, Tehran took action through Interpol and commissioned the Islamic Republic's police to investigate the issue, the letter added.
The investigations indicated that the individual claimed by the US [to have been involved in the alleged plot] is a member of the terrorist Mojahedin-e Khalq Organization (MKO), the letter pointed out.
The MKO is listed as a terrorist organization by much of the international community and has committed numerous terrorist acts against both Iranians and Iraqis.
Tehran's letter to the UN chief added that the US has acted hastily in accusing Iran of involvement in the terror plot, and that the suspect has not even stood trial in a competent and impartial court of law.
Iran's UN mission cautioned the UN against the consequences of such negative propaganda based on groundless accusations and fabricated information, saying that Iran considers the US government's measures a threat to international peace and security.
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